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The Learning Process Concepts

  1. Learning is a process, not a product. However, because this process takes place in the mind, we can only infer that it has occurred from students' products and performances.
  2. Learning involves change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. This change unfolds over time; it is not fleeting but rather has a lasting impact on how students think and act.
  3. Learning is not something done to students, but rather something students themselves do. It is the direct result of how students interpret and respond to their experiences-conscious and unconscious, past and present.
  4. Learning is a developmental process that intersects with other developmental processes in a student's life. Students enter the classrooms with skills, knowledge, and abilities, and importantly, with social and emotional experiences that influence what they value, how they perceive themselves and others, and how they will engage in the learning process.


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 12:57am