Strategic Plan for Teaching and Learning
KSU strives to achieve different goals, namely, achieving educational and research leadership for building a knowledge-based community, providing the community with professionally and knowledgably highly qualified Graduates, and achieving excellence in both learning and teaching as well as in the quality of the University Programs. To do so, Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching at the University was designed by a university faculty committee.
The committee, through its sub-committees, has made contact with the Colleges of Science, Humanity and Health at the university as well as with the supportive Deanships in order to explain and discuss the elements and initiatives of the Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching at the university. The committee has also discussed collection, classification and documentation of all the initiatives that have been offered by various university colleges and compared them with public initiatives in the Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching in order to determine the overall structure, which includes all executive projects pertaining to the process of learning and teaching at the university.
The process of improving the Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching at KSU took great efforts and numerous consultations with various faculties of the university. Thus, a workshop was conducted to introduce the Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching at the university. Colleges Vice-Deans for Academic Affairs and others who are interested in learning and teaching participated in this workshop to benefit from their insights on the plan. Besides, the advantage of the other workshops held by the university have been taken to analyze the current situation, using the strategic quadrilateral analysis of four factors: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges (SWOT analysis), and draw what relates to teaching and learning. In addition, the comments of the National Commission for Institutional and Academic Accreditation on the University’s study of the standard of learning and teaching were introduced. The compatibility of the Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching and the university strategic was discussed, too.
The Strategic Goals of the Plan
First Goal: Providing student with high-quality expertise to be a capable graduate, participating effectively and responsibly in a changing world.
Second Goal: Supporting and encouraging faculty to achieve excellence in teaching and learning.
Third Goal: Offering distinguished academic student-centered programs that meet the academic and professional standards.
Fourth Goal: Providing a motivating and supportive academic environment that supports excellence and creativity in learning and teaching.
Fifth Goal: Creating a system for quality and continuous improvement that ensures the effectiveness of teaching and the quality of the learning outcomes.
Initiatives and Projects of the Learning and Teaching Plan
The Learning and Teaching plan at the University includes a number of strategic initiatives to achieve all the goals of the plan. Each plan includes a number of projects for carrying out these initiatives. The plan has 116 projects spread over five goals as well as performance indicators for each project